Dinx Pools LLC

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Dinx Pools presents Pool Facts:

How long should I run my pool pump each day?

Most pool filtration systems are sized to circulate and filter the water twice in 8 hours. We recommend that you run your pool pump 6-8 hours in the winter and 10-12 hours in the summer.

Should I run my pool pump during the day or night?

Because the sun draws chemicals from the pool it is best to run your pool pump during the hottest time of the day.

Is it safe for me to drain my pool?

NO! You should never drain your pool. This is a job for a licensed, experienced, and insured professional. Concrete & fiberglass pools can float out of the ground like a huge boat. The liners in vinyl pools can shrink in a matter of a few hours.

What should I do with my pool if a hurricane is predicted?

  • Keeping sufficient water levels in your pool provides the important weight to hold the sides and bottom in place, especially when heavy rains that accompany most storms raise the local water table. Pools that have been emptied may experience serious subsidence problems and could even be lifted off their foundation.
  • If your pool is properly equipped with adequate drains and skimmers and the surrounding area is properly drained, the water level can probably be left as it is.
  • It is recommended that you super chlorinate the pool water. You should “shock the pool” in your normal manner.
  • It is important that all electric power be turned off at the circuit breakers before the storm hits.
  • If you cannot store loose objects such as chairs, tables, pool equipment, and toys inside a building, carefully and gently place them in the pool to help shield them from the winds.

How can I tell if my pool is leaking?

Depending on the pool’s normal evaporation. It is about 1″ to 1-1/2″ per week. When the days are warm and the night’s cool evaporation is at its highest. Using the ordinary 5-gallon plastic bucket you can perform this simple test to determine if your pool is leaking.

  1. Bring pool water to a normal level.
  2. Fill a bucket with pool water to about 1 inch from the top.
  3. Place bucket on 1st or 2nd step of the pool.
  4. Mark water level on the inside of a bucket.
  5. Shut off the pump and mark the pool water level on the outside of a bucket.
  6. Resume normal pump operation.
  7. After 24 hours, compare the 2 water levels.
    • If the pool water (outside mark) goes down more than inside the water level, there is probably a leak.
    • In case of rain repeat the test.
    • The test is invalid after 24 hours.

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Dinx Pools says

**SAFETY ALWAYS** when in or near your pool. Consider taking a CPR class by the American Red Cross.

Pool Safety

Your family’s safety is also our concern.

Drowning Prevention

  1. Never leave a child alone out of eye contact supervision in or near the pool or spa – not even for a second.
  2. Access to the pool or spa should be limited by locked doors and gates whenever swimming or soaking cannot be supervised.
  3. Keep toys, particularly tricycles or wheel toys, away from the pool or spa. A child playing with these could accidentally fall into the water.
  4. Do not allow anyone of any age to swim without a “spotter” nearby. Examples of good safety behavior by adults are important for your children.